Tuesday 26 April 2016

Love And Relationship Advice

At times in life you will eventually fall into the habit of toxic relationships. Many a times, people will not know that they are in toxic relationships and as such will not feel the need to get out of it. A toxic relationship will always have a pattern that will be designed to keep you down. For instance, you may have a friend who always makes you feel guilty about what you do or the things that you cannot do. There are some friends who may always look into finding fault in what you do ensuring that you do no achieve your potential.

A toxic relationship will reduce your self-esteem and consume most of your energy as you try to maintain it. Toxic relationships always breed negativity and creates a template that seems to follow you everywhere you go and in all relationships that you will join in future.  Toxic relationships will also build up your stress levels, which is not good for you or anyone that you will be with.
This is why it is important to always review the kind of relationships that you have and quit the toxic relationships that you may have joined.